web design

Our Top Tips For Putting Your Website Above Your Competitor’s

Okay, so you have built a website, included everything relevant to your business, and even gone into some of your more unique aspects. However, you might find that you don’t really get a lot of organic traffic to your new site, and that it doesn’t really generate any new business for you.

Why is this?

Basically, it is because your website is the same as all of the others out there. Let’s say, for example, that you own a small plumbing business. In a large city, there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of other businesses like you. Unless you stand out, people will never find you.

You need to take some drastic web design actions to make your website stand out above and beyond those of your competitors. Creative design services can help you achieve this uniqueness and visibility. We have listed our top tips for doing so:

Develop a USP

Unique selling propositions, or USPs, are one of the main things which make certain websites stand out. If you just go along with the mainstream process of building a website, there won’t be anything special about your site. Developing a USP which separates you from your competition will make it much easier for customers to find you, and much more likely that they will want to do business with you.

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Logo Design

Top 5 Logo Design Tips

Logos are an extremely important part of your company image, especially when it comes to having a strong online presence. Think about some of the biggest internet giants – Google, eBay, Amazon, etc.. – they all have extremely familiar logos which are synonymous with their brand.

Developing your own logos is therefore one of the most important parts of moving into the online marketplace. Sure, you might already have some sort of business graphic which defines your physical business, but the chances are that it is small and simple. Think about creating a logo which encompasses your company values, which stands out to potential clients and which is memorable. Doing this will go a long way towards setting you on the path to online success.

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Email Marketing Metrics

Understanding Your Email Marketing Metrics

Using email marketing for your business is a fantastic way to build a loyal following and promote your products or services.  However, how you do measure just how effective a campaign or even a single email has been?

The way to do this is by paying attention to your email metrics, which are the measurable data that your email autoresponder service will have available for you, in the back office of your account.

The first piece of data you want to be aware of is your bounce rate. This is basically any email which was ‘bounced’ back to your autoresponder service as not being delivered. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as the email address no longer being valid, a server filtering the email or simply that the subscriber’s mailbox quota had reached its limit and could not receive any more emails.

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Web Design Mistakes

The Web Design Mistakes to Avoid When Launching an Online Business

It is very important for an online business to have a well-designed and efficient website. This not only makes it easier for customers to navigate through but also ensures that their first-hand experience with the online business is pleasant. For the website to be advantageous for the customers, it is important that the web design is not only effective, but it also is a part of the overall web strategy of the company. Online businesses need to ensure that their web design is professional and at the same time attractive so that customers feel comfortable using it and the business can attract and foster a loyal client base. Some of the web design mistakes that online businesses should avoid when launching their business are:

  • Web Design is Random and Visionless: Make sure that the business has an overarching strategy for the website. Any web design would be ineffective if it is utilized randomly. The website should portray the organizational mission and purpose. It should be appealing to the target market, and should be handled and updated accordingly. Thus, web design should be aligned with the overall business strategy.

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Web Hosting

What Are The Types Of Web Hosting?

The professional web hosting company Slinky Web Hosting recommends various hosting solutions. Some are better suited to larger websites with extensive content and high traffic volumes, but there are also plenty of options available for those with smaller budgets.

Every single type of hosting has its pros and cons. Some are very cheap (or even free), while others offer complete versatility and customizability. Some of the most popular types of web hosting include:

Free Hosting:

Free hosting generally comes in the form of websites with a company name attached to the domain. They don’t cost anything, so they are often useful for non-essential websites or blogs which are designed to share information with a certain group of people. Free web hosting is usually very limited. You won’t have a lot of storage space, load speeds will be slow if you have a lot of visitors, and customisability may be very limited.

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eCommerce for Online Businesses

How eCommerce Can Open Doors of Opportunities For Online Businesses

Technology has completely revamped the way business is done nowadays. More and more online businesses are entering the global market place as we speak and traditional businesses also are working hard to establish their presence online. eCommerce and its boom have had an important part to play in this. eCommerce made it possible for firms to expand their horizons and expand their reach exponentially. It is now possible for a craftsman in India to have clientele in USA, UK, Australia and handle them online through the use of eCommerce. Implementation of eCommerce to traditional businesses has also enabled the firms to bolster their profits as well.

Online businesses have reaped a lot of benefits from eCommerce. The prime benefits have been reaching a wider customer base and making engagement and transactions with them possible, easy and secure. Due to these factors, the bottom line of online business’ is also positively impacted as it helps the business in reducing administrative costs as well. Thus, more and more online businesses have integrated eCommerce in their platforms and are reaping the benefits.

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