There’s a common misconception that just by having a website, you will get more customers. Although it might give you something to add to your business card, simply having a website is just the first step. Digital marketing experts at Slinky Digital have given us five ways online marketing content can help your bottom line.
It brings more traffic to your website
SEO content, also known as search engine optimised content, is all about increasing the traffic to your website. If you’re selling a product or service, this is very important. If your website is sitting stagnant without traffic or anything to offer customers, it can have an impact on your business.
In this digital age, having a business purely in a physical sense can be detrimental. You cannot rely on foot traffic alone. In just a six-month period in 2016, Australians made 15.9 percent more online purchases than the six-month period prior.
Online shopping is only set to increase. This is why SEO content is so important. If you can use it your advantage to increase traffic to your website, you can most certainly have a much healthier bottom line.