If you’re someone who manages social media marketing campaigns for a law firm or a group of lawyers such as Family Lawyers Perth, then you’re probably already aware of the importance of engaging with your followers regularly. However, you might not know the best way to do this.
Not knowing the best way to engage with your followers on social media can result in significant losses in potential income and clients. This is especially true when it comes to law firm marketing, as people simply won’t follow your page or profile unless you have something special to offer them.
With this in mind, here are out tip 5 tips for engaging with your social media followers:
- Reply To As Many Comments As Possible
One of the keys to mastering social media engagement is replying to comments. When you post something, people will comment. However, what you need to do is reply to them in an engaging, interested manner that shows them that you care about their opinions and what they think. Doing so will help people connect with you and your brand, and will help increase page awareness.
- Use Emojis!
Believe it or not, emojis are one of the best weapons in your toolkit as a social media marketer. Using emojis is a great way to convey your emotions, feelings, and general sentiment to your followers, especially in comments. For example, using a simple smiley face emoji will let your followers know that you’re happy, which in turn will make them more comfortable.
- Reply To Messages Quickly
If people message you via your social media page, then it’s super important to make sure that you reply to them as quickly as you can. Doing so will show them that you’re serious about doing business, and that you are lawyers that care about your clients.
- Share Exciting Visual Content
Another one of the keys to making sure that you’re law firm is getting the most out of its social media marketing is making sure that you’re using only the best content. Using anything other than high-quality content is a recipe for disaster, and will dramatically reduce post engagement.
- Use GIFs!
The modern world is a funny thing. If a marketing expert twenty years ago had told you that GIFs would be an essential tool for law firm marketing today, then you would have said they were stupid. However, here we are. GIFs are a great way to thank people for sharing content, for a particularly thoughtful comment, or even just for tagging a couple of friends. Using GIFs really is a great way to engage with your followers – try it for yourself!
Final Word
As you can see, engaging with your followers on social media is actually pretty simple. However, I bet you weren’t using all of these techniques before, were you?