
Retargeting – What It Is, and Why It Creates Buyers

The idea and practice of social media marketing is something that is continually evolving. A prime example of that is that just 15 years ago if someone had mentioned the words Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, they would have had nothing in return except a lot of raised eyebrows wondering what they were talking about.

Today, even those who do not use the internet will have heard of them, and they are established mediums for social media marketing. The fact is that new concepts and methods of online marketing appear regularly.

One such method is retargeting, which might sound like something out of a military campaign, but the only things which get fired are not guns and missiles, but cookies.

What Is Retargeting?

To be honest, the clue is in the name. Retargeting is basically a marketing strategy that enables you to retarget people who have visited your website after they have left. The technology behinds it involves the use of cookies, which are tiny files that are stored in the browser of anyone who visits a website.

If you have been online, which you obviously have if you are reading this, you are bound to have seen pop-ups and messages asking for your permission to allow cookies to be used. Recent data protection laws mean that most cookies cannot just be automatically added to your browser without your permission.

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SEO Mistakes

SEO Mistakes to Avoid When Launching an Online Business

When online businesses start, they do so in a highly competitive global environment. Online companies must take care of some of the basic functionalities of their operations when starting so that they don’t face issues in the future. Effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of those necessities for them. An online business’s organizational health and efficiency needs to have SEO Perth experts on board who can give sound advice and develop a healthy and effective SEO strategy for the firm. The SEO mistakes that online businesses should avoid at all costs are:

  • You are stuffing keywords unnecessarily onto your website. It is suitable for keywords to be present on the landing pages and help attract traffic. But the continued use of keywords and keyword stuffing to attract traffic looks tacky. Therefore, be wise with your word choice; customers will be too.

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search engine rankings

How do I get to the top of the search engine rankings?

Getting to the top of the search engine results pages is difficult – there’s no question about it. However, if you work closely on your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO), it’s more than possible to boost yourself up the search engine rankings.

SEO comes in a range of shapes and forms. Basically, it refers to any actions that you can take to make your website more appealing to the search engines, including adding high-quality content, optimizing the user experience, and building backlinks to your website.

Getting to the top of the search engine rankings is hard, but if you focus on the following SEO aspects, you should be able to boost your site’s ranking significantly.

Make Sure That Your Website Is Mobile Friendly

Mobile optimisation is a key component of modern seo tactics. If your website isn’t mobile responsive, you will be penalised and your search engine ranking will suffer.

Fortunately, most modern website builders and templates come complete with built-in mobile responsiveness. This means that it’s actually quite easy to optimize your site for mobile browsers.

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PPC Advertising

Should I Be Using PPC Advertising For My Law Firm?

Family lawyers worldwide are searching for new ways to market their firms and get their name out there all the time as the best family lawyers in their area. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allows you to do just this – when it’s used right. While Google AdWords is one of the world’s best-known and most reputable PPC advertising providers, it is also the most expensive.

According to the gurus at Slinky Digital, exploring other options can lead to much smaller PPC costs and, therefore, can lead to a better return on investment – when your campaigns are run right. I think some form of PPC advertising can be a good idea for your law firm. Here are a few reasons why:

PPC Marketing Allows You To Target Customers

While social media marketing (SMM) for lawyers, may be much more cost-effective than PPC advertising, you might find it hard to target the right people. However, PPC campaigns can be highly targeted to ensure your ad is being shown to only the most relevant people.

It works like this:

  • First, ad providers track the actions of internet users. This includes search queries, web pages visited, and many other things.
  • Next, they show only the most relevant ads to these people. The ads on a specific web page will vary according to a person’s internet history.
  • Lastly, the person should (in theory) only click on your ad if they are interested, reducing the amount of money you spend on irrelevant advertising.

It’s important to realise that you don’t have to pay a cent until someone clicks on your ad – unlike social media marketing, which requires you to pay for impressions rather than clicks.

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Online Business

SEO And Your Online Business

SEO is now a focus of several online businesses as they compete to have their content shown on top of the search lists. Here are some necessities for successful Search Engine Optimization:

  1. Name Your Blog Appropriately

The name of your blog is, in itself, an opportunity for SEO tactics. Blogs that have very long or even extremely short titles are near useless. Blog titles should effectively convey to the reader what will be discussed and simultaneously entice them into reading the post.

Ask yourself these simple questions to help you come up with a good title:

  • Who are my target audience?
  • What is the recurring theme of this blog?
  • How can I describe this blog considering the industry it is focused on?
  • Is there a possibility of using the SEO keywords in the name or title?

A good, descriptive yet short, title focused on a particular theme will cause an increase in organic traffic. For example, a travel website has a “Must Visit Destinations 2018” blog that discusses the best places, as suggested by travelers, on their website.

Always remember that if you’re struggling to come up with a title for your blog, include the main keyword that you are targeting and let the rest flow accordingly.

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Spy On Your Competitors

Using Social Media To Spy On Your Competitors

Using social media marketing as a way to market your brand, products or services is something you should know about already but have you ever thought about using it to gather information on your competitors?

Before we go any further we are not talking here about industrial espionage and stealing secrets from your competitors. Instead, we are looking at social media as a legitimate means to see what other businesses in your niche, sector or industry are doing publicly and using that information to improve what you do in your business.

The first thing to realise is that the social media pages and profiles of most businesses are in the public domain anyway. This means anyone, including you, is able to see what they post, and read any of the updates, quotes and comments that they make. Most people seeing them will just take the post at face value, but for you, they can contain golden nuggets of information.

Your first step is to make a list of those companies and organisations that are either direct competitors to you or who operate within your niche, even if what they market or sell isn’t directly in opposition to you. You should then take the time to determine what steps you need to take to see what these companies and organisations are posting on the most popular social media sites. This could include setting up profiles and then following the company’s page or group.

For example, on Facebook, you may need to request to join their group page for updates, or on Twitter, it might simply be a case of finding a company’s profile and following it. Every social media site has its own way that you can follow someone, so do whatever it requires on each particular site.

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Web Designer

5 Questions to Ask Your New Web Designer

If the time has come for your business to enter the digital age, a new website might be in order. But it can be difficult to know who the best web designer is for you. After all, web design is a complex task and one which varies from one web designer to the next.

Below are five questions you should ask the person completing your web design.

How much can I expect to pay for web design?

Web design varies in price depending on what you require and the web designer itself. The figure you might have in your head may greatly differ from what the actual cost is. You can expect to pay several thousand dollars for a good website and generally it’s money well spent.

While asking about the total cost, you should also ask how they expect to be paid. Most web designers will require a deposit, and then instalments based on each section of your website build. If they are doing the web design, development and copy writing, they may ask you to pay for each section separately. The other option is to pay by page. There is no set payment method so it’s important you ask your web designer what they expect from you.

Do you know much about internet marketing and search engine optimisation?

If your website can’t be marketed properly, or be found in search engines, there is very little reason for it to exist. No marketing and no traffic means no visitors to your site. This means thousands of dollars potentially wasted. Find out from your web designer how they can help you achieve more traffic. They may be able to attach a blog section to your site in order to keep it up to date with keywords and content, as well as inserting Facebook pixels into the backend to allow data transferred to Facebook users. Get their advice on the best way to deliver traffic to your website, and find out how to monitor this traffic.

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Social Media Marketing

Basics Of Using Social Media Marketing

Business owners across the globe are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of social media marketing to their sales and profits. If you are not one of them and until now you had believed social media was only for teens and geeks then this article will enlighten you on how you can use it to promote your business.

Looking at the vast number of social media sites on the internet you’d be forgiven for feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. In truth, there is no need to use all of them, but there are a few that your business should certainly have a presence on. The main ones are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and if all you ever did was focus on these four, your business would have very positive results.

These four sites all work very differently in terms of what content is used, how it is posted, how users interact and how they increase the profile of your business. Regardless of their differences, one important thing you want to have in place is for your business’s profile on each of these sites to link out to the others.

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Email Marketing Mistakes

Don’t Make These Email Marketing Mistakes

Whilst email marketing has huge advantages for businesses if it is done incorrectly it can cause more harm than good if done incorrectly. In this article, we will highlight the basic and sometimes costly mistakes to avoid when marketing using email.

The first, and critical error is to think that your email marketing is there purely for you to bombard your subscribers with sales messages. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sending sales pitch after sales pitch will very quickly turn your subscribers interest in your business to resentment which is no way to turn them into customers.

The other thing that is likely to happen is people will start marking your emails as spam. A common misconception is spam only applies to an email if it has been sent without permission. Whilst your emails might be going out to people who have opted in, continuous sales pitches will soon annoy them enough to mark them as spam. If this happens, you’ll very quickly have your autoresponder service asking you some difficult questions and if they consider that you are abusing the service they will ban you from using it.

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What Is AdWords And Should I Use It?

Basically, Google AdWords is Google’s pay per click (PPC) advertising tool. It gives you an easy opportunity to advertise your business or services, and is fully customisable to give you the ultimate user experience.

As an online business owner, AdWords marketing is one of the biggest tools in your belt. Google is the biggest search engine in the world, and receives up to 90% of all internet searches. This means that if you are serious about PPC advertising, AdWords internet marketing is an absolute must.

The benefits of AdWords are many. Just some of these benefits, along with why you should use AdWords, are outlined below:

AdWords is extremely easy to monitor:

Many PPC sites don’t make it easy for you to monitor the success of your campaign. Google AdWords, however, has an extremely user-friendly interface which makes your life a breeze. Your AdWords homepage will give you statistics on a whole range of things, allowing you to identify exactly what kind of things are working or not.

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